Biggies Burger Chain Sets New Record With 100 Crore In Revenue

A young man, who ate a burger for the first time at the age of 21, never thought that one day it would change his fate. Bangalore’s IT professional Biraja Raut, with the dream of reforming India’s fast food culture, established a quick-service restaurant chain called Biggies Burger in 2016. The goal was to deliver the authentic grilled burger to the customer as soon as possible.

In a recent media interaction, Biraja Raut said a burger is not a single food item but a complete meal in itself. It is loaded with carbohydrates, proteins, and vegetables. A single burger can fulfil the requirements of an entire meal at the dining table.

Raut further said that he tasted burgers for the first time at the age of 21, when he shifted to Bangalore to work at Infosys. He shared that he fell in love with the food when he first tasted it. After that, he started researching various kinds of burgers. He found that Indian consumers do not have a single local brand that can give them the taste of a global level. One has to resort to American burger chains like KFC or Burger King. It was from here that the idea of making a local brand of burger came to mind.

Initially, Raut did not have the business experience or money. With just the idea and Rs. 20,000 in his pocket, he started the Indian QSR Burger chain. Raut said he started learning the basics about burgers through YouTube and blogs and opened a small kiosk of 25 sq. ft.

“I used to work in the office for 5 days and used to sell burgers at the kiosk near the office on weekends. The struggle of Biggie’s Burgers started when one of my customers opened its franchise," said Raut. “Today, we are a franchising business. We make maximum preparations regarding the quality of our products. We provide training to people before they open a new franchise through Biggies Entrepreneur."

Raut also said that right now their focus is more on Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities for the consumers who haven’t had the chance to taste an authentic burger yet. Their mission is to spread this Indian test internationally.

Along with Burger, Raut has recently started a café business called Big Café. “I am very happy with the success of Biggie’s Burgers. We started our journey from a small kiosk, and today we are a well-known brand in the country," he said. “Biggie’s Burgers has achieved a revenue of Rs 100 crore this year. We expect to open more franchisees in Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Pune. The product’s quality is our USP, and it must be maintained at all costs."

Source Id: https://www.news18.com/viral/biggies-burger-chain-sets-new-record-with-100-crore-in-revenue-8243485.html


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